Healthy Schools
Birthday Celebrations
To align with Mortensen's Healthy Schools initiative, Jeffco has implemented a policy that prohibits food during birthday parties. This measure aims to reduce exposure to life-threatening allergens, promote fairness in food sharing, and respect family preferences regarding food choices.
Instead of distributing birthday party invitations at school, please consider sending them via mail or through teachers to prevent any student from feeling left out. Student birthdays are acknowledged during assemblies and within classes.
Holiday Parties
Mortensen celebrates many holidays as a school and students may have class party celebrations. According to Jeffco policy, at least half of the foods provided to students during holiday celebrations will include healthy options.
Healthy Schools in Jeffco
Jeffco Public Schools' mission is to support school culture, policy and environments that promote healthy lifestyle choices, life skills and attitudes that benefit students, families and staff.
A Healthy School is focused on advancing the physical, social-emotional and mental health of students and staff in schools and upholding the District Wellness Policy. Each Healthy School identifies liaisons to set and monitor health and wellness goals for their school. They participate in Healthy Schools programming and are eligible for Healthy Schools funding to support their goals.
Jeffco District Wellness Policy
Jeffco District’s Wellness Policy
This resource defines what is required by policy and what is best practice to improve health and wellness in PK-12 schools. These topics address federal and state laws, as well as district policies.